Useful information

You can contact the following institutions for further assistance:

  • Zorgbelang Nederland: Call 030 299 19 70 (during office hours) link will send you to the website of zorgbelang nederland)
  • Sociaal Raadslieden: You can contact the social counselors if you want information and advice on consumer affairs. They can help with filling out a form, the drafting of a letter or writing a notice of objection.
    Contact details can be found on the website link will send you to the page of social counselors in Holland)
  • Het Juridisch Loket: You can contact the Legal Counter for legal advice on consumer affairs.
    Call 0900 – 8020 or visit their website link will send you to the website of the Legal Counter of Holland).
  • Rechtsbijstandverzekering: You can contact your legal assistance insurance on consumer affairs. Contact details and insurance details can be found on your insurance paper or on the website of the insurance company.
  • Landelijk Meldpunt Zorg: You can read the most important information about the National Healthcare Report Centre in our brochure ‘I have a complaint about healthcare. What are my options?‘ (this link will send you to more information when you have complaints about healthcare in Holland).

IMPORTANT: Whatever person or institution assists you in the proceedings at the Complaints Boards, you need to be aware that you are responsible for the information and evidence provided and the timely payment of the complaints fee to the complaints board.

NOTE: All other information on this website is in Dutch.